Libby Pregnancy Care Center
Providing Hope and Help to Women
Libby Pregnancy Care Center
Providing Hope and Help to Women
About Us
We are here to help you find the answers you need to become a successful parent. Connect with real people who understand what an unexpected pregnancy feels like, people who know first-hand that peer-to-peer support can be priceless, and people who empower women to choose both their child and their dreams.
Signs Of Pregnancy
Missed your period? Witnessing an unusual increase in bloat? Feeling sick? Before you sound the alarms and brace yourself for the family lecture, pause for a moment to consider your situation. You may be panicking when you are simply late for Mother Nature’s monthly visit.
Take a deep breath. Let’s go over the basics! You are not alone, we are here to walk with you!
1. Are you sexually active?
If you are sexually active, proceed to #2-4.
If your period is late but you are not sexually active, give your doctor a call. Stress, excessive exercise, diet, and other lifestyle changes may be causing your delayed period. Your doctor can work with you to identify the problem/problems and then determine the best course of action to get your cycle back on schedule.
2. When was your last period?
Whether you mark your calendar faithfully or you simply wait in anxiety for your period, take a deep breath and figure out your last period timeline. You may have miscounted, or you could simply be panicking without good reason.
3. How are you feeling?
Early signs of pregnancy may include some of all of the following symptoms: missed period, headaches, tender breasts, bloating, moodiness, nausea, lower backaches, fatigue, frequent urination, and food aversions. While women’s experiences vary, you may be experiencing a few or all of these signs.
Early Signs Of Pregnancy.
4. Have you taken a pregnancy test?
If you are sexually active, call us at (406) 293-9435 for a free pregnancy test. If you are nervous, a friend may be willing to call with you or accompany you for the trip. Pregnancy tests can identify pregnancy as early as 7-10 days after ovulation. If you’re doing a home pregnancy test, it’s important to note that testing too early may result in a negative test. You should schedule a clinical pregnancy test to be sure that your results are accurate.
If your home test comes up positive, schedule an appointment with your doctor to confirm your pregnancy. Even if it is negative, you should consider scheduling a doctor’s appointment to make sure that you are healthy. Your doctor will help determine why you missed your period, examine you for STIs, and address any other health concerns.
Read The Pregnancy Test Fact Sheet
Your Options
If you went through the four steps above and have found yourself looking at a positive pregnancy test, know that it is normal to feel a wide variety of emotions. As you are considering your pregnancy options, it is important that you are provided with the totality of information so that you may make a well-informed decision. The good news is that there are many resources to support you so that you may be empowered to make a life-affirming decision and pursue either parenting or adoption (while also continuing your life). You’re not alone in this, we are standing with you!
See Your Options Details
Pregnancy Testing
Missed your period? Feeling sick? Witnessing an unusual increase in bloat? Think you might be pregnant, and not sure where to turn?
Take a deep breath. We can help you get a free pregnancy test and help you process the initial emotions of thinking through this!
An early pregnancy discovery can empower your decision-making regarding your health and future.

Child Training Courses
Wouldn’t it be great to know that you were being a great parent? To know that you’re doing what you need to raise your child right? AND earn things you need for your baby while you are learning? With Earn While You Learn you can do all those things, plus learn on many more useful and important topics.
Getting started is easy. Just come into our center today and we will get you started with your very own personalized lesson plan. There is no cost, there’s no commitment, there is only opportunity to learn and succeed.

Earn While You Learn
Topics You Can Learn On
- Pregnancy
- Infants
- Toddlers
- Parenting
- Life Skills
With our Brightcourse classes, we offer you here at the pregnancy care center, you can earn items you need for your baby!
Are you not able to come into the Care Center for the classes? You are able to take the classes online. But you only get 1/2 the points as doing the classes in person.
Want to earn double points? Bring your partner along for the Brightcourse Classes.
Earn What Your Baby Needs
Be The Best Parent You Can!
Contact us to learn more about how to earn things like pregnancy care items, formula, car seats, and more!
Looking For An Abortion?
Are you pregnant and thinking about aborting? Please text: 406-570-2610 to learn what abortion is and what your other options are.
Info & Resources For Men & Dads
Did You Just Find Out That Your Partner May Be Pregnant?
This may be overwhelming news, but you’re not alone. As a man facing an unplanned pregnancy, it can be difficult to know where to start in order to support her. Know that you have an important role in helping both your partner and your child.
To start off, here are some key steps you can take to support her.
Encourage Her
Encourage her! If you feel scared or nervous, know that she probably does, too. Both you and she are strong enough to get through this. Constantly re-assure her of the fact that she is strong and can do this. Re-affirm your commitment to helping her through the pregnancy by actively being there for her through every step of the process.
Schedule An Appointment
Schedule an appointment at our Pregnancy Care Center for a free pregnancy test and go with her to the appointment. You may be sitting in a waiting room, but she will know you support her by being there. While she may have taken a home test, it is helpful to have people to walk with you both and to help you think through everything together!
Seek Out Counseling
It can be helpful to talk through the process you’re undergoing and better prepare yourself to help her throughout her own process. Don’t feel like you have to shoulder everything by yourself because you don’t need to. We are here to walk with you!
Use Resources
Take advantage of our resources! Our Pregnancy Care Center has diapers, baby clothes, baby furniture, and more! This wonderful group of people exists to help you and her navigate this new adventure. Connect with us and see what we have available for you and her so that you two can best prepare and make her as ready as possible for the adventure ahead!
Educate Yourself
Take the time to learn the basics of pregnancy and child development, infant care, nutrition, bonding/attachment, toddler care, safety, etc. Take it one subject at a time. The efforts you take to learn will not only help you, but it will help show her you truly care.
We are happy to help talk with you and help you find the resources you need to educate yourself! Call us at (406) 293-9435.
How To Feel Heard
In this new adventure, you will want to feel heard. Here are some tips!
Be A Good Listener
You are both in this together. Listen to what she needs and take her seriously. If she never feels heard, do not expect her to hear you. Listening to understand is the most powerful thing you can do for her.
Be Supportive
She wants to know more than anything that you will help support her through this journey. This pregnancy will seem impossible for her if she feels no one is there for her. At the very least, you need to be there for her and show her you care.
Speak Your Mind In Love
Communicate how you feel. Open and clear communication is vital. She can’t know what’s on your mind if you don’t share your thoughts with her. Make sure you do this lovingly, however; don’t treat her poorly in the name of communication.
Don't Be Afraid
Finally, do not be afraid! You have a say in this! She wants to know how you feel, so don’t go silent simply because you’re nervous or scared she won’t understand you. You both have a say in everything along the way!

Prayer & Marriage Guidance
Having struggles in your relationship? Don’t know which way to turn or how to move forward?
We are open on Friday afternoons from 1 – 4 PM for prayer, marriage guidance, & client visits with John & Bonnie Drews.
Through experience backed guidance, couples can develop healthier relationship dynamics, gain insight into each other’s perspectives, and learn practical strategies to strengthen their bond.

A Word From John & Bonnie
We’ve been married almost 26 years. We have been through marriage counseling ourselves & have led Bible studies in our home and at church for over 20 years. Being Spirit led and called to serve those in need, we joyfully minister to those who ask, both to Christians and non-Christians alike.
She Had An Abortion, Now What?
Going through an abortion is painful, both for her and you. There is a lot going on emotionally and mentally for you to seek help for. Know there is after-abortion counseling and care for both you and her. Check out these Resources For Fathers.
Fatherhood Forever
Fatherhood Forever recognizes that men are also deeply affected by abortion. The loss of their child can elicit emotions and reactions that men are not always comfortable talking about. This website shares real stories of men who have gone through this experience. This website also identifies and explains the role of fathers and the impact of abortion.
Father No More
Father No More identifies the steps that a man should take in order to grieve and heal from the loss of their child. Whether the man was involved in the decision or not, each father will need patience and time to heal from this experience.
Adoption Support
When faced with an unexpected pregnancy, one very important decision needs to be made, “Who will raise my child?” You may have many questions about the adoption process and how it will affect your relationship with your child and your child’s adoptive parents. Know that it’s good to ask questions, and remember, just because you’re learning about the process doesn’t mean you have to make a decision right away.
Let us walk with you and support you through this process.

Several factors may come into play when you make this decision. You may consider your current relationship status, family support, financial stability, and emotional well-being. Parenting and adoption decisions must be made with serious consideration to both your well-being and that of your child. For some new mothers, the idea of placing their children for adoption is a daunting prospect. They may not have previous experience with adoption; and therefore, the possibility is intimidating and even frightening.
We want to help address some misconceptions regarding adoption so that you are better prepared to explore this option with an open heart and all the knowledge you need to make an informed decision.
What Is Adoption
Adoption is the legal process by which parental rights and responsibilities are transferred from one parent or set of parents to another, ensuring that a child has the benefits of a permanent, loving, and stable adoptive family.
How can I be certain that my child’s adoptive parents will take good care of my child?
Parents who pursue infant adoption are required to meet with an adoption agency representative, social worker, or other approved agent and complete several specific requirements, including a home study, to guarantee that they are emotionally and financially ready to parent. Prospective adoptive parents must meet all adoption criteria set by their home state, as well as the adoption agency. If you choose an open adoption with contact between the birth parents and the adoptive family, then you will be able to receive updates, letters, and even pictures from the adoptive parents as your son or daughter grows up.
What is the difference between an “open” and “closed” adoption?
If you choose to have contact with your child and his or her family after the adoption takes place, this is called an “open adoption.” Contact may include photographs and letters, phone calls, and/or visits – whatever you and the adoptive family are comfortable with. In a closed adoption, contact is more limited; letters and photos may still be exchanged, but you could choose to do so anonymously, using your first name only, or sending information back and forth through another party. You can also choose to have no contact at all after the adoption has taken place. The level of openness in the adoption is completely up to you, and the adoptive parents will be chosen accordingly.
After a birthmother signs legal documents, can she still change her mind about the adoption?
Throughout the adoption process, the birthmother has the opportunity to weigh all of her options, receive counseling, and re-evaluate her decision throughout her pregnancy. She can choose to change her plan up until the legal time, as defined by the state, in which the legal relinquishments are executed.
What if the child’s father does not agree to the adoption?
A responsible, ethical adoption agency or attorney will try their best to locate the birthfather and inform him of his rights, though state law may require him to act within a given time frame if he wishes to protect/exercise his rights. If the child’s father wishes to be involved in the adoption process and the birthmother agrees, he should receive the same counseling and support as the birthmother.
I cannot pay for my pregnancy expenses. Is there help?
If you do not already have health insurance, you may qualify for Medicaid, and our Care Center will be able to guide you to the correct office to apply. Many adoption agencies will provide free legal services to help you plan for your adoption, and most agencies will also provide financial support for additional medical and living expenses, either directly or through referrals to local organizations that can help meet your needs. This is dependent on what is allowed by state law. If you select an adoptive family for your child before you deliver, that family may also agree to help pay for your prenatal and maternity care.
Is there anyone I can talk to who has been in a situation similar to mine?
If you do contact an adoption agency, counselors there will be able to connect you with other birth parents who have been in your situation, facing an unexpected pregnancy and discerning their paths. They can tell you how they felt, explain what was most helpful to them, and provide additional support and encouragement as you consider your options. In the meantime, you can also read the birthmother stories on this website.
Looking For More Information?
Use the links below.

Donations & Needed Items
Items that we give out at the Pregnancy Care Center come entirely from donations given to us by others. If you would like to donate to us, here are some ideas:

- Diapers, size premie-size 6
- Pullups, size 2t-3t
- Baby wipes
- Gently used or new baby clothing, socks, and shoes
- New baby bottles
- New baby bottle nipples
- New sippy cups
- Baby formula
- Nursing pads
- Used baby toys
- Used baby gear
- Cleaning products for the Pregnancy Care Center building
- *We cannot accept any used nursing pump hoses or any used car seats*
Also, we can always use financial donations. Click here to go donate to us financially!
We have different opportunities for volunteers at the Pregnancy Care Center!
Our volunteer advocates talk to and work alongside clients as they learn from parenting videos and receive different donations. We also have volunteers who help with yardwork or maintenance on our building. If you would like to volunteer at the Pregnancy Care Center in any of these ways, please call us at 406-293-9435, or stop by and pick up a volunteer application at 113 West 10th St Libby MT during our open hours.